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An intensive 6 week programme with continuous online support for 12 months. 

Staff Meeting

Why this programme?

Equipping leaders and people development professionals with the skills to train their own teams and organisations in curiosity, again and again.


Our train-the-trainer programme consists of live group training, self-study, and Q&A sessions. We also supply supporting material to really embed and support further learning as well as implementation of the learned training.

Participants will gain confidence in training through our unique method of knowing the model, utilising our custom diagnostics and tools, as well as gaining familiarity with the natural flow of running effective and engaging training sessions.

The package includes

10 hours of small group training delivered by a specialist of the Global Curiosity Institute (hours are spread over several sessions).

1 hour of individual q&a per person

1 hour pre-coaching immediately before the first session

Supporting information (book and a teaching powerpoint with facilitator notes)

Also included is continuous online support for 12 months after the programme completes.

The 3 key elements of this programme

The diagnostic

Understanding and debriefing the individual scale curiosity diagnostic for professionals, a unique product of the Global Curiosity Institute.

The report

Understanding and debriefing the team curiosity report - an aggregate team report based on the individuals scale diagnostic report.

The workshop

Facilitation of a curiosity workshop
(of which the individual and team report is a part).

What exactly is curiosity? (definition + dimensions+ opposite of)

Deep-dive into understanding benefits and becoming aware of barriers

Why important? why now? (a business case for rekindling individual / team and organisational curiosity)

Improvement hacks (strategies to become intentionally curious)



Our other training options

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